Thursday 22 December 2011

Good Times, Good Friends.

Eeee! So, it’s nearly Christmas already! ^^ I can barely believe it, these past few months have been spent focusing, worrying and working towards getting this job that I almost forgot how close we are to Christmas. I don’t even fully remember my birthday because it wizzed by so fast with my mind on other things. However, now that I’m in a place where all I can do is wait I’m finding more and more time to think and realise how fast everything is moving. Pretty soon it’ll be time to think about throwing all my belongings that I can’t take with me out and packing a suitcase! >.< How scary.
The more I think about going, the more things I start to miss…and I’m not even gone yet! The last few days were spent in Glasgow with some good friends J my cheery and rather hairy friend Adrian asked me up to his for games and movies which was great fun. I love seeing Glasgow, especially when all the Christmas lights are up and the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping is going on. It’s weird, when I’m surrounded by so much panic, so much chaos, that’s when I feel the most calm. I could stand in amongst it all. With people rushing by me and the roar of them all talking and screaming at once and it makes me feel centred. That must sound odd but I know what I mean. it left a smile on my face.
I think I need to start watching some more renditions of A Christmas Carol, normally by this close to Christmas I’m giddy and excited but with me being so distracted I feel a little more mellow this year. My game I always play at Christmas is to se how many different versions of A Christmas Carol I can watch over the holiday period XD it’s always fun and is the best way to fill me with festive goodness hehe
Even though some of them are terrible ^^
I feel like there was so much more I wanted to say but for the life of me I can’t think of what it all was…so here are some pictures I took during the past few days J I’ll update again after Christmas ♥
Adrian and me! Working the hat XD
A rather blurry photo of Glasgow's Christmas lights. I would have taken a better one but there was a guy standing next to me with a proper camera, he looked all professional and I was just getting in his way, so, feeling all shades of embarrassed, I snapped this and ran XD
And finally the little tea cup and plate I bought, the tea pot belongs to my mum and now my life ambition is to find one that matches my cup, that isn't the size of my head that is. ♥

Happy Holidays everyone ^^ May your days be merry and bright and may all your Christmas' be white. xx

Friday 16 December 2011

The First Day.

It’s strange, after yesterday I thought I would be more lonely today but, now that I’ve dumped all the baggage of stress and misery, I feel a wonderful sense of clarity that I haven’t felt for quite some time. I feel like I’ve finally woken up, like the weight of the world has been lifted and now I can finally breathe again….and it feels amazing!
I have spent all day just relaxing, playing about with my blog and watching movies ^^ I’ve been so happy, it makes a real change hehe
Normally I find it really easy to be happy when I’m away from the computer so to be on here typing happy things is great J
I’m really enjoying having this journal, it’s so comforting as I’m sitting with a movie, the fire and all my Christmas lights on…it creates a wonderful atmosphere that I wish I could share.
Even though the movie I’m watching right now is creepy and every now and again I have to stop writing to be freaked out lol

Alright film’s done ^^ I swear I’m far too easily distracted. Time for one more movie to make me laugh before bed ^^
Before I go, here is my Christmas atmosphere photo ^^ my only way of sharing the fire, the tree and the little mince meat pastry I had :3 Enjoy!

Thursday 15 December 2011

New beginings.

As I sit up in my living room again at 3am, mulling my day instead of sleeping I decided that it was time I made a proper blog, one where I can just document my musings much like a diary to help clear my mind. The past few night have been spent tossing and turning, playing recent events over and over again in my mind and I’ve come to realise a few things. Sometimes, no matter how painful it may be, you just have to let some things go, things that only cause you grief or misery, there really is no time in your life to be putting up with anything that makes you unhappy.
Last week I heard back from the job I’ve been trying to get for a year now and finally, I was offered it! This time in March I will be packing my bags and heading out to start a new life in Japan! This is another reason why I can’t sleep. I can’t believe I’m finally getting to chance to travel and to do a job I will actually love!
This in itself though is another reason why I decided to cut out things in my life that make me unhappy, it’s not fair that after all this time, other people’s selfish acts are making me unhappy when I should be celebrating!
I was writing all my Christmas cards for my co-workers today and I couldn’t help but cry a little, writing the words ‘I’m going to miss you’ so many times will do that to you. Even though I hate my job, the people I work with have constantly kept me sane and I love them for it, I couldn’t be luckier.
However, the more I think about the people I’m leaving behind the more I start to think about the people out there that are waiting to meet me and neither of us know it yet ^^ I’m waiting to meet them with mucho eagerness hehe
However, however….that also gets me thinking, about how I act around others, how my moods and actions affect them and likewise how theirs affect me. Are people actually aware of their impact on me, sometimes I’m really not sure. I have lost so many friends over my quick temper and need to stick to my pride and principles but it takes two to tango and if they didn’t act in such a disrespective way, would I react at all? That truly is the mystery for I am yet to find that flawless person. Such a silly notion ^^ I know.
My my, my blog posts might turn into proper ramblings at this rate XD but I feel the need for bed looming…or at least climbing under the covers and pretending to sleep. I hope my thoughts give some people an interesting read because , now that they are no longer in my head, I feel a million times better J
Night for now. Em x