Wednesday 28 March 2012

So, I'm in Japan!!

Waaa!! Finally! I'm settling into my appartment in Japan. I arrived in the promised land on the 19th of March but I've been in Narita training for a week before I made my journey out to the Niigata Prefecture! It's been really exciting and busy but here is a taste of my adventure from Tokyo to Mistuke :3 Dozou!

This is the train we took, it was ridiculously comfortable and spacious!

Coming into Tokyo and the tower in the far distance was pointed out to me, I think it's the Sky tower? Am I right? The tallest tower in the universe I think XD

Sunny, sunny Tokyo!!

The Toyama crew getting ready to change train. Lovely people xxx

My first glimps at Niigata's snowy mountains!!

The view from my front door! Uber snow-age hehe

Walking around Mistuke ♥

I found a dozen temples....

...and just as many shrines!!

And, of course, two of the most Japanese things ever! Bikes and vending machines, you can stand anywhere in Japan, close your eyes, throw a stone and be bound to hit either one of these things hehe.

Ok, sorry to be brief but I must get to work! XD More pictures soon :) Love! xxxx

Thursday 1 March 2012

Skye, Visa and getting a life.

Well, so much has happened this might actually be the longest blog post ever XD and I know I say that every post but just wait! Hehe I’ll have to go back a month to start with the updates, I’ve been so busy as of late that I’ve been baked up with things to post about ><


Firstly! At the end of January I took some time off of shitty work to go up to the isle of Skye wit’ me mummy and some friends J It was sooo beautiful and relaxing XD there was NOTHING to do! Hehe so I will log my relaxed get away with photos J
 *pretty misty mountains!*

 *The view from our cottage ^^ *

 *Every night we would start up a big, roaring fire. It was so cosy!*

 *This is the fire I made up ^^ First time I had done it*

 *The mountains I could see from my tiny window, sorry for focus >< *

 *more mountains*

 *ickle boat!*

 *Such a sky, I never did see ♪*

 *The old man...not the gentleman in white but the rock*

 *A closer look at the old man rock formation*

And my new ring! I love it, it's such a wonderful present to be given and something I can take away with me and just have as a reminder of all the people back home whom i love and miss.....sapsapsap*

while i was in skye I got my placement phonecall from Japan ^^ I was so excited!! I still am! I'm going to a place called Mitsuke in the Niigata prefecture! eee!! Roughly about here-
I don't think 'excited quite cuts it XD I'm nervous as get out but so eager to go, I still can't believe its happening!

The next step was getting my working visa! My consulate is in my beautiful capital city, so off to Edinburgh I went! More photos!!
 *The consulate is on the right...I don't know if you can see the Japanese flag lol*

Getting the visa application handed in was the easy part, it only took a few minutes, so, myself and my visa buddy decided we's head back into town and head to a museum XD because we're full of class like that lol!

 *The museum entrance*

 *A Japanese Temple lantern ♥*

 *A victorian printing press! I love this thing lol*

 *The museum basically shut half an hour after we arrived XD so I only saw a little*

*But I did find time to learn about the mega sloth first! This is is HUGE! D: *

All that said and done I came home and played the waiting game until, 5 days later.... visa came!! I'm now ready to work in Japan ^^ yeeeee!! This has made things seem suddenly more real!! I seriously need to get my act together and get organised! In fact, I'v just scared myself into needing to do some work xD

*Busies herself in her room*

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Happy Birthday Rabbie ♥

'A Man's A Man'
"Is there for honest poverty
That hings his heed and a' that
The coward slave we pass him by
We dare be poor for a' that
For a' that and a' that
Our toils obscure and a' that
The rank is but the guinea's stamp
The mands the gowd for a' that

What tho' on hamely fare we dine
Wear hoddin-gray and a' that
Gie fools their silks and knaves their wine
A mands a man for a' that
For a' that and a' that
Their tinsel show and a' that
The honest man tho' e'er sae poor
Is king o' men for a' that

Ye see yon birkie ca'd a lord
Wha struts and stares and a' that
Tho' hundreds worship at his word
He's but a coof for a' that
For a' that and a' that
His riband, star and a' that
The man o' independent mind
He looks and laughs at a' that

A prince can mak a belted knight
A marquis, duke and a' that
But an honest mands aboon his might
Guid faith he mauna fa' that
For a' that and a' that
Their dignities and a' that
The pith o' sense and pride o' worth
Are higher rank than a' that

Then let us pray that come it may
As come it will and a' that
That sense and worth o'er a' the earth
Shall bear the gree and a' that
For a' that and a' that
It's coming yet for a' that
That man to man the warld o'er
Shall brothers be for a' that
For a' that and a' that
It's coming yet for a' that
That man to man the warld o'er
Shall brothers be for a' that."

Thursday 19 January 2012

Time for a lengthy blog!

I’m having a productive day so I thought I would tell you about it so far which in itself is amazing, considering it’s only 12 o’clock just now. This morning I had to get up early and, with out fail, I couldn’t sleep as usual. I don’t know what it is but whenever I have to get up really early the next day my brain seems to think keeping me awake so I don’t miss my alarm is the best option. Sill brain! I thought I was going to be more tired than I am but I’m sure I’ll start to feel it all creeping up on me as the day rolls in. As I type I’m drinking whatever caffeine I have to hand so maybe that’s helping too.

The reason why I was up so early was I had an appointment to collect a form from the doctors, basically for all the vaccinations I may need for going to Japan, just to be on the safe side. Soon I will be immune to ALL of Japan! Hehe. ^^

Turns out though that I can’t finish the form until I know what region I’m going to so that will have to wait :/ Speaking of which I’m starting to get really impatient with the wait to find out the exact place in Japan I will be moving to. Not in a bad way, more like in the way a child is impatient for Christmas! But I digress.

The appointment only took a few minutes, much shorter than I had thought it would be and so I made my way about town just popping in on people and having a bit of banter (talk) at work and with anyone I generally met on my rounds. (Because I work at the local supermarket, I know a lot of the locals) I then visited work, although I missed the lady I wanted to talk to, I still found myself getting caught up in about a dozen conversations with people, while all the time ducking my boss, the one person I NEVER want to talk to hehe.

Then after that I made a hair appointment, my hair, as it stands, reaches about half way down my back and while that’s all well and good here, my hair is really thick and can cause my upper back to overheat XD (blah blah blah). I can just see it being such a burden in the already too hot for Emma Japan so I’m chopping about half of it off me thinks. *nods*

Then I had mail to post!!! ^^ ~ ♪ I forgot how much I adore sending letters and parcels J I’m going to try and make time when I’m far away to write letters back home, instead of just depending on email and face book. The internet is a lot quicker and easier but I love the grace and elegance of letter writing, it feels more refined. So I’m looking forward to that (^.^b

But then after all that was done it was still only 11 o’clock! So my little doll shoes and I decided to take a long stroll in the country :3 Again, making me feel all refined.

Hello feet! Let's go walking!

I decided to visit the cemetery again, I know it sounds morbid ‘cause none of my family is buried there but I used to come here all the time and when I go out for walks I always pass by it so I like to visit. The peace and quiet is so good for my mind, it calms it instantly and being surrounded by so many people, all be them dead, doesn’t make it a lonely place. I often find inspiration in places like this, wondering about the people there and what sort of lives they lead makes me think about my own characters and makes me question whether or not I feel I’ve made them believable as people. I also get a few name ideas when roaming around all the head stones. You must all think I’m a mad child ^^;; but I assure you I’m normal, just creative lol.
I remember coming here a lot when I was working on my main character, ‘Dontas’ (He's the gentleman you can see as my blog's background image just now ♥) and being here always brings back memories of him and makes me feel he’s awake again. Again, I swear I’m normal XD!
I also remember coming here one day to draw these beautiful head stones, the sun had just popped it’s head above the neighbouring hill so the lighting isn’t working in my favour but I hope you can see well enough to know why I chose to draw this one J

Again that sun makes seeing the detail hard, it’s a woman draped over a cross with cloth draped over them both. I love this one too ♥

These ones are weathered and broken L I love the attention they get, someone has taken the broken pieces and stacked them back up to try and save their dignity. I imagine it’s really expensive to repair these old head stones L
This guy had to have a mention, MASTER BAKER!! hehe

This lady is my favourite, I’ve spent long, rainy days just staring at her until I swear my eyes twitch and it looks like she could come to life at any minute. It reminds me of the scene in Interview with the Vampire where Louis see’s the statue move and look at him. ♥
On my way home from the graveyard I pass by my old school which, as you can see, is closed and all bored off. The new school is at the other end of town now and this wonderful old Victorian building is to be made into flats I think. It always looked to me like it would be the creepiest place to be in alone but I wish I could look after it. It’s such a beautiful building. I really hope they don’t tear it down.
Seeing that old school always forces me to think about how the times, they be a changing! I feel helpless knowing there’s nothing at all I can do to stop it and make sure every last gem, like this building, is restored and kept safe. Things like this are our only link to that age these days and people just want new, shiny ugly modern buildings crowding the streets. There’s nothing wrong with modern, I’m just an old fuddy duddy at heart and prefer things that mark out history, they fascinate me, no end! *sigh*

All the while I was walking I was thinking about Japan and what stories I would have to tell them about our country and how we bury our dead in comparison to them but then I saw this little gate and it brought my thoughts straight back home ^^ I don’t know if you can see the little thistle design in the middle ♥ My heart will always be in Scotland. ♥

And now that all that is said and done I can’t help but feel very tired XD I just looked outside and you wouldn’t believe how sunny the sky is in the photo’s above because right now it’s blowing a gale and raining so hard! I will count my blessings tonight when I can’t sleep ^^
I must admit, I have a surge of inspiration but alas, no energy to roll with it L I will try writing something maybe? Perhaps I might even post it here! :O Should anything worth reading occur that is lol
I will leave you today with the music that is playing just now and a scene that has been coming to mind a lot lately~~~ ‘Cause there’s not knowing where I’m going J Tatties!